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More specifically, the Ministry of Health, through a draft decree, explained the outgoing government's proposal made by the University of Antioquia regarding the shape, color, size, maximum values, location, legend, proportions and dimensions that the front warning labeling must contain.

The nutrient content limits for the establishment of the warning label are listed in the following table:

The way to highlight the nutritional characteristics will be "including seals on the label, which will consist of an octagonal symbol with a black background and white border, and inside it the text "EXCESS IN", followed by: "SATURATED FATS".
white border, and in its interior the text "EXCESS IN", followed by: "SATURATED FATS" and/or "TRANS FATS" and/or "SALT/SODIUM" and/or "SALT/SODIUM".
and/or "TRANS FATS" and/or "SALT/SODIUM" and/or "SUGARS" and/or "SWEETENERS", either individually or with
individually or with 2 or 3 or 4 or 5 stamps (as appropriate)", says the decree.

It is worth noting that the shape of the symbol has been the subject of controversy, as the Ministry had already issued proposed circular labeling and with the words 'high in'. However, several organizations had argued that the most scientific evidence has already shown that the seals should be octagonal and with the words 'excess (sodium, sugar or fat)'.

On the other hand, "the letters of the text of the seals shall be capitalized and white, ARIAL BOLD typeface. In addition, in the same symbol, the word 'Minsalud' must be inscribed in black letters," adds the decree.
