Since when did it become effective?

 Since when?

The regulation was approved on July 31, 2021 and gave the Ministry of Health one year to regulate front labeling that warns that some foods have excessive amounts of critical nutrients.

At first, the Ministry of Health argued that the law was already being implemented through Resolution 810, which was issued in June 2021. Normally, the resolutions are issued after the laws, since they are the ones in charge of putting them into effect. March. That is why some opponents of the Government said that having drawn up the resolution before was a "little trick". Among other things, the law states that all foods that have an excess of critical nutrients must have a "warning seal, which must be of high preventive impact, clear, visible, legible, and easily identifiable." This labeling, says the law, must be done with the "maximum scientific evidence available and free of conflict of interest"

The labeling proposed by Resolution 810 is clear, visible, but it is made in a circular way. Although it seems simple, the fact that they are circles is key, as there are scientific studies that show that notices with this shape do not generate as much impact as octagonal stamps, which visually attract more attention.

The resolution also contemplates a "positive seal" for foods that meet some nutritional criteria, something that is not contemplated in the Junk Food Law either. And it uses the term "high" instead of excesses, something that is far from the implementation of similar standards used in other regions.

In fact, this type of front labeling is already being used in 20 other countries and has shown effects on the consumption habits of citizens.

Ministry of Health will determine the design and measures that ultra-processed foods will have
